Humboldt County Memorial Hospital Foundation
“Committed to Care, Compassion to Serve”
The Humboldt County Memorial Hospital Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)3 tax deductible corporation, formed in 1990 by a group of caring citizens. It was organized and is operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes for the residents of Humboldt County. The Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors who oversees the management of all contributions.
It graciously accepts funds and property of every kind and nature through purchase, conveyance, lease, gift, grant, bequest or otherwise.
Gifts donated through the Foundation, in support of HCMH, are used to help replace aging equipment and facilities with state of the art medical technology, and to subsidize important health care programs and services for Humboldt County.
The mission of the Humboldt County Memorial Hospital Foundation:
To generate charitable contributions to improve the health and well-being of the people of Humboldt County.
Ways to Give
The Foundation relies solely on volunteer contributions. There are many gift-planning options available today. These include:
- Bequests by Will
- Revocable Trusts
- Gift Annuities
- Charitable Trusts
- Life Estate Agreement
- Gifts of Securities
- Gifts of Real Estate
- Gifts of Life Insurance
- Beneficiary Designation
- In-Kind Gifts
- Endowment Giving
- Memorials
- Event Business Sponsorships
- Event Participation
We are fortunate to receive contributions to our Foundation that help keep our hospital vital and able to bring the residents of Humboldt County and the surrounding area the best in healthcare.
There are numerous opportunities to experience the joy of giving to the Humboldt County Memorial Hospital Foundation. You need not limit yourself to one option. Take time to review the questions below.
- Do you have a will?
- Is your will up-to-date?
- Would you be willing to consider including the HCMH Foundation in your will?
- Do you wish to minimize the taxes on your estate at death?
- Would you like to receive information on helpful estate planning techniques that can reduce your tax obligations?
- Would you like to receive information on how you can escape capital gains tax on appreciated stock or property through gifts and receive a life-time income in exchange?
- Would you share a percent of your personal or group life insurance?
- Can we send you information on how to change a beneficiary on your life insurance?
- Would you like to receive information on other ways to use your current life insurance policies to benefit the HCMH Foundation?
- Would you like to know how you can give your home to the Foundation, receive a current tax deduction, and remain living in your home?
Donation Levels |
The HCMH Foundation will recognize cumulative giving from contributors who pledge dollars to be given over a number of years. You will be recognized at your intended giving level on our donor board.
The Foundation accepts, records and acknowledges all gifts to Humboldt County Memorial Hospital, assuring that contributions are used as intended by the donor.
Donate Now!
Cash or Check Donations. Checks may be payable to:
HCMH Foundation
1000 North 15th Street
Humboldt, Iowa 50548
May I designate my donation?
Yes. You may restrict your gift to be used for a specific purpose or department. An unrestricted gift will be put to good use in the area of greatest need.
Can my gift be a memorial?
You may designate your gift in memory or in honor of a special person. The Foundation will notify the person or family of the donation, unless you request anonymity.
Philanthropy Makes a Difference
To help the Foundation fulfill its mission continues to have a vibrant presents in our communities, join us throughout the year to not just help us raise funds but to educate yourself on the HCMH Foundation and the services that our county hospital provides.
Founder’s Event (January 20, 2024)
Join us for one of the community’s most anticipated annual events and our biggest fundraising event of the year! This is the perfect opportunity to enjoy a wonderful meal and excellent entertainment while supporting the health and well-being of the residents of Humboldt County.
5K Color Run
The Humboldt 5K Color Run/Walk is a five-kilometer, untimed event. At each kilometer mark, Color Runners are doused from head to toe in a different colored powder. Participants wear white at the starting line and finish the race plastered in color. Once the race is over, the fun continues with music, photo ops, activity booths, vendors, and more massive color throws, which create millions of vivid color combinations. All proceeds from this event go to support mental health and suicide awareness through actions that support, educate and empower patients, students and families of Humboldt County. This event is in partnership with the Humboldt County Memorial Hospital, Humboldt Schools, Humboldt Law Enforcement and Humboldt County Sherrif Office.
Women’s Health Night Out
This evening event provides an opportunity to educate the women of Humboldt County, but it a fun way. It also showcases our new health care providers and gives the women a chance to learn what services and specialties are provided right here in Humboldt. Food, Fun, Friendship & Wine!
Founder’s Event Golf Outing
Tee up for a great cause at our annual golf outing. Gather your teams for a fun Friday afternoon of friendly competition and end the day with family and friends for a grill out that is par for the course.
Board of Directors
The Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors who oversees the management of all contributions.

- Ashley Emick
- Andy Lemmenes
- Jennifer Hansen
- Marlene Thompson
Clifton Kalafatich
- Loren Sanders
- Jami Olson Knowles
- Vicky Holden
Foundation Director
1000 North 15th Street, Humboldt, IA 50548
Phone (515) 332-7626 | Fax (515) 332-4820